I’ve been learning a bit about faith and believing lately. Sometimes belief feels so easy and obvious and other times difficult; in both cases it is a choice. But one of the most important things I’ve learned about believing is that faith for the sake of faith is flimsy and wavering, but faith when anchored to Truth is strong and faithful.
Faith for the sake of faith has no backing or anchor so it lacks integrity. It is like investing money into a company that you know nothing about and have no reason to believe that it is going to give any return on your investment. Your trust in that investment is weak and well, it should be.
Faith based on something that isn’t certain and sure is like investing in a company that may do well and give a return or do poorly and deplete your investment. This is a risk but it is something that you could go all in on and believe wholeheartedly that it will bring a return. But there still is no guarantee that it will come through and could end up failing you even if you believe in it completely.
What if there was something that was always trustworthy and faithful? Like a stock that you could invest into and have a %100 guarantee that it will always climb up, up, up! Not 99.9% chance of success with the 0.1% chance that it will fail. What if there was something that you could attach your faith to and know without a doubt that it was going to be faithful and come through every time? Wouldn’t you put all of you investments into that one stock!?
God is always faithful. He is Truth. He is true yesterday, today and forever. He has never lied and never will. He will always be faithful to His words and His promises. What He is says is true — EVERY TIME!
That means that anything that He says we can attach our faith to and know that it is going to be faithful. Any promise that he has given we can bank on. The things that we know about His character we can bank on. He is the most consistent and the most faithful thing, person, being … ANYTHING. Out of everything we could put our trust and faith in, He tops it all!
For the Word of the Lord is upright, And all His work is done in faithfulness.
Psalm 33:4
Faith in God and His promises, words and character is a journey as we learn more and more everyday that He is always faithful and trustworthy! As we put a bit of our trust in Him and the things that He has said, it is returned with His faithfulness. This proves his trustworthiness to us and our hearts give more. Then it is returned again with His faithfulness. And it keeps going until we realise that He is always faithful.
If His faithfulness is unchanging and completely consistent, the only variable is our belief. And what I have learned is that remembering his faithfulness throughout history and in my own life is what maintains and grows my faith and trust in Him. This is why it is so important for us to maintain our focus on Him and the things He has done and is doing. It is what fuels our faith for the future, the unknown and the uncertain because He is certain, known and faithful, always!
I will remember your great deeds, LORD; I will recall the wonders you did in the past.
Psalm 77:11
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