When I was about 10 years old, I started to look in the mirror and I would be in so much awe and wonder for that I was living and breathing in this body. I would look closely at my face, stare deep into my own eyes, and curiously ponder who I was and how I got here. Little did I know how well calculated my existence actually was.
I found as I grew up how rare it was to find someone else who thought like this and struggled to find answers to my question, ‘Why was I made like this?’
‘Why do I think like this?’, ‘Why am I passionate about this?’, ‘Why don’t I fit in with these people?’, ect…
After many unsatisfied years of searching in all of the wrong places, trying to mould myself into who I thought I should be, I finally found something that made sense.
In the last place I thought I would ever look, these words stilled me.
“Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?'” – Isaiah 45:9
I felt like a circle with a gap that had just been filled. There was a peace that sat on my yearning heart because I found a way to be certain of 2 things:
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
- I can trust my Creator has good reasons for my existence, even if I am unsure of them right now.
The truth is, creativity isn’t confined to painting, or writing, or advertising, it is who we are, how we love and the very journey we take in life. Every step and every breath, we are being gently moulded for His perfect plans for us.
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